#Road Construction - Types of Road Markings

Road markings are an important component of a highway, which function in guiding and controlling the traffic. It provides the pedestrians and cyclists movement into a safe location ensuring smooth and orderly flow of traffic and for promoting road safety.

7 types of road marking classified based on the

placement of markings with regard to vehicular movement and also based on the function of the markings.

Longitudinal Marking

This is used to navigate the driver for forwarding movements and prohibit overtaking maneuvering at certain at hazardous locations to avoid sideswipe and head-on collision accidents. For this two marking white and yellow colours are used. White colour is used frequently whereas yellow is used where it is strictly prohibited not to be straddled by the vehicles. 

Transverse Marking

This marking is used for the purpose of traffic control with broken lines, single/double continuous lines such as stop marking and give-way marking. It is provided across the carriageway.

Hazard Marking

This marking is used to navigate major actions such as traffic diverging, prohibiting to cross-over, and deflecting the traffic ahead of hazardous situations.

Block Marking

This is used for zebra crossing for pedestrians, triangular and checkered marking for speed breakers. It is in blocks.

Arrow Marking

This gives directions for the driver to take mandatorily turns.

Directional Marking

The word message which is directional in nature is classified under directional marking. Example:No Entry, Turn Left, Turn Right etc.

Facility Marking

The markings which are intended to facilitate the parking for the vehicles are termed as facility marking.


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Blog written by

Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

Blog Managed by

Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement



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